1. finished; concluded
  2. intelligent
  3. entirely; wholly
  4. to understand; to complete; to finish

cannot be covered or concealed

to understand or comprehend

the cicada, or broad locust

I am thirsty, I want to drink some water.

It is easy to get fat when eating too many hamburgers.

Eating popsicles in the summer is the best.

My favorite is eating noodles.

Mommy is out.

The policeman caught the thief.

The dog is the cutest.

Michael raises three rabits.

Water runs into her rain boots.

He forgot to bring his raincoat.

There is a necklace on her neck.

He bought a new shirt.

He has a stuffed nose for a long time already.

I have a cold.

My brother is sick.

He broke a bone in his arm.

Alice's knees are hurt.

She is so fat that you can't see her waist.

One is an adult when he turns 20.

Babies cry when they are hungry.

He is a man now.