cannot be covered or concealed

unable to make it in time; not enough time left to do it

not necessary

uneasy; disturbed; not feeling at peace

in disregard of; no matter

unable; can not; will not; do not know how

absurd or ludicrous (talks, acts, etc.)

in disregard of; don't take into consideration; despite; in spite of

completely unperturbed; not at all perturbed; do not mind or care at all

completely unperturbed; do not care at all

1-to let a person down 2-I am sorry. I apologize.

Don't add too much oil when stir-frying vegetables.

He doesn't like to wear socks.

Boys usually wear pants, not skirts.

He has a weak heart.

Coughing is not good for the lungs.

I don't know him, he is a stranger.

Children shouldn't interrupt when adults are speaking.

Gray represents a feeling of sadness.