1. very; quite
  2. fierce; cruel
  3. disobedient; intractable; quarrelsome; truculent

The medicine is very bitter.

This orange is very sweet.

I eat a lot at dinner time until I am really full.

The octopus has many legs.

That fish is so fat.

Mommy gave me lots of candies.

Spreading cheese on crackers is good.

Drinking hot soup in the winter is very soothing.

Fried ham rice is very delicious.

Pork is filled with fat.

Beef is very high in nutrition.

This actor is very good at acting.

He is a salesman good at selling.

Tracy is a lovely nurse.

He is a famous doctor.

Riding on a horse is very fun.

That tiger is very fierce.

Mommy, is a mouse cute?

This medicine tastes terrible.

He has a stuffed nose for a long time already.

Being sick caused him to have a sever headache.

I haven't slept for 18 hours so I am very tired.

He isn't sick, so he is well.

She is weak because she is sick.

He has a strong body.

I am very comfortable when I am not sick.

He has strong arm muscles.

Your intestine is a very important organ.

His kidney functions are normal.

His back is very straight.

His chest is very muscular.

The giraffe's neck is very long.

My father's arms are very powerful.

She has very long eyebrows.

Her hair is beautiful.

He is scared of ghosts.

This queen is very elegant.

This king is very watchful of his people.

There are a lot of foreigners touring.

There are many people in the world.

These are my dogs and I love them very much.

Pink is very lively.

I really like yellow flowers.